March 6, 2009

Due to the recent economic crises......

Due to the recent economic crises, stock market crash, budget cuts, rising unemployment, unstable world conditions, the cost of insurance, electricity, petroleum, and taxes of all kinds, we regret to advise you that the Light at the End of the Tunnel has been turned off. We apologize for the inconvenience.


Aly said...

What is the Light at the end of the Tunnel? Sorry about my ignorence, I just wanted to know....

morgan joy said...

i don't get it either...

Anonymous said...

neither do I...

Unknown said...

hahahahaha i love it! you know how they always say yeah this is tough but there is always a light at the end of the tunnel? well due to the economic crisis they have to turn the light off to save electricity :P

Emily said...

haha, I'm glad you got it Chelsey. Sorry everyone else....I didn't realize that it might now make sense to everyone =)

Aly said...

Haha! Now I get it!

Wesley said...

That's pretty funny. I didn't get it at first, either... I thought that "the light at the end of the tunnel" was a movie or tv show or something, lol.

Matt said...

did you make that up?

morgan joy said...

oooooooohhh!!! haha thats great! wow i am so slow...

Emily said...

haha, no I didn't make it up =P

Matt said...

oh, okay...
technically though, the light is supposed to be yeah.

dang it I just ruined it didn't I? lol