It seems like recently my life has been full of waiting......waiting is not always fun. Waiting for my hedgehog to have her babies(she was dues yesterday)....waiting to get my license(10 more months to go)....waiting until I graduate(2 1/2 more long years).....waiting for replies to emails....waiting to get a job......waiting for someone to actually take me seriously.....waiting.......
Some of them sound silly, but yes, I'm not the most patient person on this earth. I'm normally laid back so it would seem that I'm patient....but I'm not.
But you know what? I need to work on being more patient and right now it the best time to start.
lol, I'm just rambling....I'll post something more interesting in a few days.....
Largo 2008 Film Complet en Francais
4 years ago
you need to be just a leetle bit more patient, lol. I mean, come on, you just got your permit and your already anxious for your license?
But anyway...yeah, waiting waiting waiting...I don't like it one bit but it's life.
lol, yeah, that's what I said in my post. I'm impatient :-(
I know....I was trying to agree without offending you.
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