November 18, 2008

I have *magical* powers

I have the amazing ability of making objects invisible. Yes, it's true folks. One second I'm walking and there's a wall and the next second, poof it's gone. But one important thing about invisible things, is that they are still there, just you don't see them.....I seem to forgot this fact. *coughcough*

So, I tend to walk into the invisible objects. And I have bruises to prove it.

*this magical power is also known as clumsiness.*


Matt said...

oh please.

Anonymous said...

sh sh sh! don't tell anybody. we clumsicians have to keep the existence of our powers clandestine.

Wesley said...

shins (noun) : things you use to find hard objects in the dark.


morgan joy said...


niice emily

Emily said...

lol, guys, you are hilarious! =P

Anonymous said...

no, you're hilariouser

Emily said...

hmmm, do I sense some sarcasm there? =P

you so funny, you make my big toe laugh.....

Matt said...

haha and i say yes - okay i'm just gonna stop now.